Monday, May 25, 2020

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay - 1685 Words

After taking this class and learning about leadership I think that there are many qualities to leadership. I believe an effective leader should demonstrate teamwork, integrity, compassion, respect, good communication skills, the ability to listen to others, have the ability to delegate, have confidence, initiative, a positive attitude, be creative, have self-discipline, be responsible, have courage, charisma, character, competence, passion, problem solving skills, and most of all, be teachable. These are all in addition to the traits we learned from Bennis which include having a vision, a distinctive voice, being adaptive, and having integrity. Some of the leadership qualities I think I have strengths in include: teamwork, delegation,†¦show more content†¦The development of my leadership can be attributed to my roles in group projects throughout school and also my job as a manager at Walgreens. I have learned that groups don’t always function properly and in certain instances there needs to be a push in the right direction for some members of the group. I try to lead the group by motivating other members and sometimes threatening them with a punishment because of their own lack of effort towards our common goal. My role as a manger at work has also shaped my leadership capacities by making me in charge of the store and the people working. When it comes to adversity I don’t think that I have faced much in my lifetime. Being compared to the adversity that other people have faced in their lives the things I have overcome are minor and not necessarily life changing events. One person that I admire is Laur en Conrad, who is a self made fashion designer with a great character and moral compass. She is from Hollywood but he is a good genuine person despite her surroundings and she is an inspiration to me other young women around the globe. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States and is arguably one of the greatest presidents and leaders in United States history. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only American president to be elected to four terms and since then there has been an Amendment passed that says no person should serve more than twoShow MoreRelatedFranklin Delano Roosevelt Vs. Franklin Roosevelt1559 Words   |  7 PagesFranklin Delano Roosevelt was conceived on January 30, 1882, into an affluent gang. The Roosevelts had been unmistakable for a few eras, having made their fortune in land and exchange. Franklin was the main offspring of James Roosevelt and Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt. The family inhabited Springwood, their domain in the Hudson River Valley in New York State. While growing up, Franklin Roosevelt was encompassed by benefit and a feeling of pomposity. He was instructed by guides and tutors until age 14Read MoreFranklin Delano Roosevelt1228 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.† In his Inaugural Address, Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke these words to ensure America that he would end the Depression. He no longer wanted Americans to be afraid of the failing economy and unemployment that was causing them to suffer. He immediately wanted to gain their trust and give them hope that their struggles would soon be over. Not only did he make Americans believe that things could get betterRead MoreThe Legacy Of Franklin Delano Roosevelt872 Words   |  4 PagesLincoln, who preserved it; Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who rescued it from economic collapse and led it to victory in the greatest war of all time.†(Smith XI). Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only President to serve four terms and had two great, important crisis in his presidency. He truly was a great leader, because he gave the people a sense of security during an era of distress. Although winning victory in the greatest war the world has ever known dominates Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s legacy, hisRead MoreEssay on Franklin Delano Roosevelt 529 Words   |  3 PagesFranklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born in Hyde Park, New York on January30, 1882 and died on early April 1945 in Warm Springs, Georgia. FDR was the son of James Roosevelt and Sara Delano Roosevelt a wealthy family. He was married to Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, the niece of President Theodore Roosevelt. They had six children and one unfortunate died in infancy. ( He was a smart kid who had a passion for education. With the assistance of his parents and tutors he hadRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Franklin Delano Roosevelt1025 Words   |  5 PagesIn Hyde Park, on January 30, 1882, Sara Delano Roosevelt gave birth to her first-born son, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Sara labored for over a day and nearly died during his birth. To save her, she was given chloroform, with great risk to her baby. When FDR was born, he was not breathing and was blue and thought to be dead. However, after the doctor performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, he began to breathe and recovered from the trauma. As a child, he went to Groton Preparatory School in MassachusettsRead MoreEssay on Franklin Delano Roosevelt1969 Words   |  8 PagesBiography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt, popularly known as FDR, was born on January 30, 1882 at the family estate in Hyde Park, New York. His father, James, graduated from Harvard Law School, married, had a son, and took over his family?s rights in coal and transportation. Despite the fact that he lost a good deal of money in financial gambles, he remained wealthy enough to travel by private railroad car, to live comfortably on his Hudson River estate at Hyde ParkRead MorePresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt932 Words   |  4 PagesPresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was instrumental in his efforts to reshape and rebuild the United States from a struggling state making his endeavors a personal attachment in American history. First of all, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s background consisted of, growing up in the country of New York. He attended private school, following Harvard and Colombia law school paving the way for his future civic duty, according to, Faragher, 2009. In 1910, Roosevelt served as an assistant secretary ofRead MoreFranklin Delano Roosevelt Essay2497 Words   |  10 PagesFranklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt is among the most remembered U.S. Presidents. Serving as President for more than twelve years, he was the only President to be elected four times. Roosevelt led the United States through its worst depression and its worst war. He tried his best to stay optimistic with our country and the decisions he made. In Roosevelts first inaugural address, he asked for faith in Americas future. He told the country, The only thing we have to fearRead MoreThe Perception of Franklin Delano Roosevelt2719 Words   |  11 PagesPerception of Roosevelt During the 1920’s a series of events were set into motion that plunged America into one of the worst time of its existence come 1929 and later the Great Depression. Through the challenges America faced, it arose to become the world’s strongest leading economical and political superpower. As the country began to emerge stronger than ever, leaders arose to the occasion and aided its progression as a world power. One such leader was be Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Due to hisRead MoreA Brief Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt1008 Words   |  5 PagesFranklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt, FDR, was born in 1882 and attended both Harvard University and Columbia Law School (White House). Serving from March 1933-April 1945, FDR became America’s longest serving president (Miller Center). He entered office in the midst of the Great Depression, America’s major financial crisis. Everyone was investing in the stock market, and when it crashed, America came close to bankruptcy. The crash of the stock market left people without money, jobs

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