Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Poem Facing It By Yusef Komunyakaa - 1077 Words

The poem â€Å"Facing it† by Yusef Komunyakaa has a tone that will haunt a reader well after they are done reading it. The poem is about the author, a veteran visiting the Vietnam veteran’s memorial for the very first time. The author describes the emotional impact the visit has on him. The author uses lines such as â€Å"I said I wouldn’t, dammit: No tears.† (Komunyakaa, 1947, line 3-4) and â€Å"I’m stone. I’m flesh† (Komunyakaa, 1947, line 5) to drive home the emotion and deep feelings in the poem. Throughout the poem the author utilizes personification to add to the effect and the tone of the poem as well. The author talks about the memorials stone as if it were alive. He uses the line â€Å"I turn this way –the stone lets me go.† (Komunyakaa, 1947, line 9). This is an example of the personification the author uses to help bring the stone to life. The author feels the stone truly has a strong hold on him despite o nly being an object. The memories and feelings that the memorial brings forth from the veteran are the driving force to the tone of the poem. The poem is heavy and heartbreaking. The use of personification helps exemplify the pain that Komunyakaa is feeling. At one point the author states â€Å"I touch the name Andrew Jackson; I see the booby traps white flash†. (Komunyakaa, 1947, line 17-18). The author states this to clearly give the stone a feeling of life. The stone is its own entity and has the capability of affecting the veteran at almost a human level. The author talks aboutShow MoreRelatedThe Poem Facing It By Yusef Komunyakaa744 Words   |  3 PagesThe poem â€Å"Facing it† by Yusef Komunyakaa has a tone that will haunt a reader well after they are done reading it. The poem is about the author, a veteran visiting the Vietnam veteran’s memorial for the very first time. The author describes the emotional impact the visit has on him. The author uses lines such as â€Å"I s aid I wouldn’t, dammit: No tears.† (Komunyakaa, 1947, line 3-4) and â€Å"I’m stone. I’m flesh† (Komunyakaa, 1947, line 5) to drive home the emotion and deep feelings in the poem. ThroughoutRead MoreAnalysis Of Poem Facing It By Yusef Komunyakaa1063 Words   |  5 Pagesthe most prevalent emotions in literature. In his poem, â€Å"Facing It,† Yusef Komunyakaa tells his experience with war and how it has affected him. The poem begins with the author experiencing a loss of identity as he is at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Then, he experiences nostalgia whilst reminiscing his past. Lastly, he experiences flashbacks that deter his ability to distinguish the past from the present. Komunyakaa wastes no time in loading his poem with themes. 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